About North American Motorsports Heroes

When you look over all of this information about a time period in racing when I believe that North America and North American Driver's were at the top of the world food chain when it came to automobile racing.

In one of the time periods, a driver had to compete not only on asphalt oval high speed tracks but also on dirt oval tracks to win a championship.

Where in the early 60s there were more dirt races then there were paved its started to make a turn and by 1962 you saw 5 dirt and 5 paved. Then in the mid 60s road courses were introduced and went from one in 1965 too 7 or 8 by the close of the 60s. In this same time period you saw 1/2 as many dirt races as paved now and now 3x as many races over all. 28 in 1969 and 24 in 1970 compared to 12 in 1960.

The second time period in this same series was in the late 1970 when names like Ongais, Johncock, Sneva, Mears, Rutherford and then there was the tried and true names the were from the 1st period of Andretti, Foyt and maybe the greats name in the series ever, “The Unsers”

I was luck enough to know and have a personal relationship with a man that not only lived both of these time periods but was also the one who got me hooked in auto racing as well as himself personal was there 1st hand for most of this time period with the names of Unser and Ongais. His name is Jimmy Dilamartier and this is his story...thru his eyes !!

Jim Dilamarter

Jim Dilamarter

Jim in the 1971 Indy 500

Jim in the 1971 Indy 500

Johnny Lighting Special back-to-back 500s

Johnny Lighting Special back-to-back 500s

Friday, March 28, 2014

1971 Indianapolis 500 Centennial Moment with Al Unser Sr

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